Le moi littéraire de Marguerite Yourcenar, le blues et les gospels Article - Juin 2024

Catherine Douzou

Catherine Douzou, « Le moi littéraire de Marguerite Yourcenar, le blues et les gospels  », InterArtes, numéro spécial Laura Brignoli (éd.), Actes du colloque international « Marguerite Yourcenar entre la construction de l’œuvre et la vérité de l’art » organisé par l’Université IULM de Milan, La Société Internationale d’études Yourcenariennes et l’Université de Pavie le 26 et 27 octobre 2023, juin 2024, pp. 225-242. ISSN 2785-3136. 〈https://www.iulm.it/speciali/interartes〉


Marguerite Yourcenar was very touched by the type of the black American community and actively committed herself to civil rights. The two books translating African-American songs that Marguerite Yourcenar published give a certain image of her literary self. She presents herself as a committed writer, but this literary commitment takes on particular aspects of which we seek to define certain dimensions. It does not attract any controversy or concrete struggle, but it is placed under the sign of information on the history of slavery and the recognition of an artistic form that it wants to make known in France. She identifies with Black people and shows both the particularity and universality of their condition and their sensitivity.

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